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DIdn't Work
Cacti - T. pachanoi (San Pedro)
Citation:   anonymous. "DIdn't Work: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (San Pedro) (exp51868)". Jan 6, 2012.

  oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (plant material)
I'm 99% sure that the 'San Pedro experience' is wholly imagined by people who've never done a real trip drug with overactive imaginations. I made the mistake of buying a large amount of fresh cacti tops. Each time I ingested this noxious crap I felt like I was borderline tripping but never actually had any visuals. I doubled the dose, still nothing. Gave away some to friends all who had the same lack of effect. A year later some other fool I know bought a bunch of this crap and sold several 'doses.' I got the opportunity to talk to a whole bunch of very disappointed customers that told me that this drug didn't work. At first the kid and a friend of his (neither of which have actually tripped on any real drugs) claimed they actually did trip. After I explained to them what a real trip was like and they saw my roommate trip on acid (I also mentioned that an acid trip is much more wild than a shroom trip for example) they renounced their claim and admitted that it was all just the product of an overactive imagination. Furthermore, I got to talk to one of their disappointed customers while he was 'on' the stuff. No pupil dilation, and he said he was 'borderline tripping' -- perfectly fitting my imagination theory. After I told him that it didn't work for me and not to be surprised he agreed that it wasn't working for him either.

The PIHKAL entry sheds some light on maybe why this doesn't work:
'N,N-Dimethylmescaline has been given the trivial name of Trichocerine as it has been found as a natural product in several cacti of the Trichocereus Genus but, interestingly, never in any Peyote variant. It also has proven inactive in man in dosages in excess of 500 milligrams, administered parenterally. This observation, the absence of activity of a simple tertiary amine, has been exploited in the development of several iodinated radiopharmaceuticals that are mentioned elsewhere in this book.'

In other words, these cacti contain a variant of mescaline which is inactive and thereby ineffective.

Some of the experience reports here actually sound like real trips, but I know many angry people who would beg to differ.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 51868
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 6, 2012Views: 10,041
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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